York Golden 1/2 Mile

York Golden 1/2 Mile


Coney Street was once dubbed 'York's Golden Half Mile' because of the glamour of its costumiers and furriers, pubs and restaurants. Today the street is as vibrant as any in the UK, and is crowned by York's magnificent Mansion House and Guildhall.
This book by oral historian Van Wilson brings the area vividly to life through fascinating reminiscences of local people. They recall in affectionate detail stores straight out of 'Are You Being Served', with deep offence caused by undressed window dummies, lunches of bread and dripping, and characters such as the waitress nick-named Major Booth who would rap courting couples on the knuckles if caught holding hands under the table. Full of wonderful photographs never before published, and underpinned by considerable historical research, the book will appeal to anybody interested in York's history and social development, and in oral history in general.

Written by Van Wilson and published by York Archaeological Trust

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